Friday, September 17, 2010


This GIANT spider has been working on it's web for a few days outside the doorway of the floral shop up the street from our house. Check out the zig-zag pattern in the web, it's just like a sewing machine was there leaving it's mark. I took this photo with my iPhone and this was as close as I was brave enough to stick my hand near it. It's about the size of the palm of your hand...thought you'd dig seeing it.

Thursday, September 16, 2010


Since moving to the south - I cannot - grow a thing. I used to have an amazing garden. I used to grow all the ingredients to make tomato sauce and salsa and loved the whole canning process. I used to grow gorgeous cutting flowers and fill my house up with bouquets....but that was when I lived in Ontario. Now I raid other people's gardens!

Our friends planted a wonderful garden and then left for Europe for a month - we were invited to pick what we wanted while they were away. Dad, Fin and I had a good morning poking through the gardens picking a few veggies for our dinner.

Dad is checking out the herbs.

Dad and Finley with the eggplant and yellow squash.

A few of our pickings.

A teeny tiny tomato!

Finley was particularly good at picking the tomatoes.
She worked at it for a while. Her attention span astounds me sometimes!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Cape Lookout

Well, I have not been blogging so much lately as I've been out and about this summer with my family. I guess I'm making up for last summer, when it was too hot to go outside with my infant. With a toddler it's a whole new ball game! You know the saying "what a difference a year makes," in the child rearing world, there could be no saying more fitting.

This is the Beaufort North Carolina Waterfront.

We toured out to Cape Lookout NC on our power boat. We checked the tides and then pulled the boat up onto a pretty much deserted beach to hang out for the day. This stretch of beach has wild horses on it.

Steve is walking Fin across the sand to see the horses but the sand was too hot so they turned back. I was able to get the photo below on a long digital lense. That is The Cape Lookout light house in the back ground at centre of frame.

Okay, so I don't make a habit of posting pics of moi in a bikini - I didn't before baby and am pretty brave to do so after baby - I think! I had to post this pic. I love this photo because Fin and I are standing the same way with our hands out. She looks like Steve but she has my frame I'm always told. Now I can see it! It's pretty rad.

The BEST part of a beach day is a water logged, sun drenched, sand covered sleeping little girl in her car seat. Then Steve and I can have one of our happy, future planning, epic discussions with out interruption! The beach cures all moods. The ocean is very powerful that way.